Monday, September 9, 2013


The First Graders will be taking their first spelling word test this Friday! Words to study were sent home today. Think of fun ways for your child to review the words at home. Try using magnet letters to practice at home. If they have markers they may practice writing their words using markers. Spray some shaving cream on a cookie sheet and let them write the words in the shaving cream. Computer word programs are also a good way to practice words as they type each word 3x. The following website is an excellent online spelling game. You will need to type in the words to practice.

Vocabulary words were introduced today for our new stories this week. The children brought their words home in a yellow envelope. Please help them review (read words) tonight and sign the back of the packet. Remind your child to bring their yellow packet back tomorrow in the Homework folder. If your child knows the word you may place a star in the corner. When your child earns 5 stars they have mastered this word. At the end of each unit all words will be tested and a final grade given. It is very beneficial if your child keeps up each week with mastering the weekly words. To add a variety in practice as time progresses you may ask your child to place 5 words in ABC Order. They may also write sentences using their words. Send back any extra work your child does at home and I will recognize them in the classroom! Our class rules say....Rule #5 - Keep your dear teacher HaPpY!