Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Notes were sent home today sharing about the activities on Friday. The Homecoming Parade begins at 2:15 p.m. in front of school. We hope that our students will show school spirit and wear their Flyer shirts on Friday. Mrs. Dodson has extra shirts at school for sale. $5.00 for students and $8.00 for adults. Also the HS cheerleaders are selling tattoos and eye blacks. Tattoos are $1.00 and eye blacks are $2.00. Students will be dismissed at the regular time on Friday. If it is raining the parade will be canceled.

Please take notice that if your child has an appointment I would appreciate a note telling me what time you will pick your child up and when they will return. You can email or send a written message. I can plan much better when I know what is happening. When you call into the office I don't always get the message. I am responsible for the formal attendance on the grade cards. Therefore, communication is so important. I appreciate your assistance in this matter.