Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thanks For A Great Year

Farewell to the First Grade bumbles! The children have packed up their things and headed out for summer vacation. It's that time of the year when they take flight and leave the hive. I'm a bit sad tonight as I think that tomorrow when I open the classroom door I won't have little ones anxiously awaiting to begin another day. The children have grown tremendously this year! I feel blessed to have been part of their early academic years. Hopefully we have made memories that they will keep with them forever. What a joy it was to present their awards at the Recognition Awards Program. Thank you all for your support this year! Educating our students is a partnership that is so vital to their future success. We've made a great team this year!

Make A Splash - Summer Reading Theme

The public library has invited all the children to sign up for summer reading. The program dates begin in June. (See information sent home.) I would encourage you to take your child to these programs. They are free and last about an hour. When you pick up your child's report card in the office I will have some summer reading information for your child. Keep a log of what your child reads this summer and share with Mrs. Koerner next August! My wish is that the children keep books in their hands and read, read, read!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

School Carnival

We had a blast at the school carnival tonight! Our PTO is the best . . . thanks for all your hard work and dedication to our students, teachers and school. The cheerleaders did an awesome job with face painting. Sending a special thanks to all the parents who helped bake items for the Cake/Book walk. There sure was some yummy foods! We are truly blessed to have such a supportive community!

The Mummy

We read a story about Dexter who dressed up like a mummy for a show. So we thought it would be fun to dress up our own mummy! Can you guess who the mummy is?

A Day At The Zoo

Having fun at the zoo!
The First Grade Class had a wonderful day at the Sunset Zoo in Manhattan. The weather was beautiful and the picnic was ant free. We finished our class trip with a surprise stop for ice cream!

Reptile Program

The children met Mia a python snake during our Reptile Program at the zoo. I've never been fond of snakes. I'm sure glad Mia lives at the zoo instead of my backyard!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Zoo Trip

Jeremy from the Sunset Zoo helped the children learn about reptiles. Thank you to our PTO who funded this Discovery Program for the children!

Digger a snake
Poison Dart Frog
Bob the Box Turtle
Barred Tiger Salamander
Breaded Lizard
We saw an armadillo! They are a very unusual reptile.

Earth Day

The children participated in planting new plants on our school grounds in recognition of Earth Day. Due to the wet rainy weather on Earth Day we planted the next day. Little hands were eager to help! The children learned the importance of reuse, reduce, and recycle. Our theme is to make EVERYDAY an EARTH DAY!