Friday, August 9, 2013


Welcome to the Hive! At this site you can read about our exciting news. I will be posting several times a please check back in often! Click to follow our blog and this way you should be receiving updates. We have 18 new little bumbles joining our hive. 10 girls and 8 boys!

I've been busy making lists and organizing materials for the new year. Our school district has adopted the Common Core Math Curriculum. Which means the children will explore deeper into the skills taught and demonstrate understanding of how problems are solved. Our students in Grade One will be receiving letter grades in the subject areas of Reading, Math, Spelling and Language Arts. The first nine weeks will end on Friday, October 18. Conferences are on the calendar for the evening of November 6th and all day and evening on November 7th. There will be no school on November 7th and 8th.

I will send home a packet for parents on our first day of school. Please look over the letters and return any documents that need to be filled out. I'll be looking for parents to help with parties this year! Your child should have received a letter from me inviting them to my Open Class time on Wednesday, August 14 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Hope you can stop in and help your child put their supplies away. This sure makes our first day go smoothly. Looking forward to getting to know everyone. For some, I've taught your parents and perhaps brothers or sisters in your family! For others, this is your first child in Grade One! WELCOME TO THE FIRST GRADE HIVE! We're going to have a fantastic year!