Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thank you parents for offering to bake cupcakes for our 100 Day Celebration on Tuesday. The children are looking forward to this day. The children seem to have many good ideas of what to bring for their 100 collections. If your child would like to purchase a Flyer shirt ($8.00) please let me know and I'll get that ordered for you.

The 1,000 Number Club is growing! 3 more children joined the club on Friday. Several children brought home papers to work on over the weekend so that they can get caught up. The children are also trying to write 100 words they can read. They have had many opportunities to work on this in class, and many have achieved this goal. Friday we made a chain of 100 things we have learned in First Grade. It was fun to watch the children work together as we glued and linked all their ideas together. We have the chain hanging in the classroom. Thank you for supporting your child at home! You are A+ parents!